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Old Posted Mar 23, 2018, 12:45 AM
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Keith P. Keith P. is offline
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Originally Posted by someone123 View Post
I agree the height limits are conservative but there is far less construction overall under the costly ad hoc plan amendment process. It's also strange and adversarial, with developers arguing they can't build anything less than highrises and NIMBYs trying to prevent all development from happening. I think this is all hugely dysfunctional and it is better to efficiently approve a larger number of average buildings under something like the Centre Plan. The main goals are to have affordable housing prices and services as well as a functional urban economy. This means getting lots of new space built in the urban core with as little red tape as possible. Skylines and more interesting architecture are great but far less important.

Sounds almost like the old Soviet Union.

Speaking of which, Mason got back from visiting with his fellow travelers in Cuba over the last two weeks, hence why he missed the Council meeting where this got sent back to staff, and he is already bloviating about how he will obstruct this latest move.
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