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Old Posted May 25, 2018, 8:13 PM
csbxvs csbxvs is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: SLC, UT
Posts: 8
I understand we are in a forum titled SkyscraperPage, and while yes, it would be awesome to have an impressive looking skyline, I don't think SLC's lack needs to be either a priority, nor even a concern.

The skyline will come insofar as the metro area develops the economic and cultural vibrancy to support one.

At the end of the day, skyscrapers are vanity projects, and completely unnecessary for good urban living.

The key to urban living is high density development, this enables all the other great things about living in cities, namely
  • Walkability
  • Public transport networks
  • Cultural vibrancy


In order to get all of the above, 4-6 stories is all you need.

So the high density development is coming and that's why I'm optimistic about the area. Really, in large part thanks to Trax and Frontrunner. These two projects are and will continue to be the backbone for the urbanization of the Metro area. Without them we would still be stuck in sprawl mode. Really, hats off to the leaders of the state who had the vision to push these projects through.

Finally, I'd just like to say that I have never once have walked through Vienna or the Village and thought, hmm, really wished they had built a skyscraper here instead of all the grocery stores, apartment buildings, and cafes that make the area so pleasant to be around.

Originally Posted by DanskeUtahn View Post
Or just make it taller and then we can finally get our first real commie block and build 20 more just like it!!!
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