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Old Posted Jul 23, 2018, 6:07 PM
megadude megadude is offline
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I assume Highway 6 has been discussed on the Canada forum but I haven't been a member for very long and I thought I'd bring it up here as I recently drove on it a couple of times to go fishing at Valens.

What a joke this stretch of road is. I've driven on 6 maybe seven times in my life. Mostly from 403 up to Puslinch. A couple times from 401 to Guelph. And last year once from Wiarton to Tobermory.

That stretch between 403 and 401 is a disaster. People treat it as if it's a 400 series highway when the speed limit is 80. I refuse to go past 90 and I still feel like I'm going at a snail's pace. Non stop procession of cars passing me. And it's actually kind of scary because when I'm trying to find my destination as someone who is unfamiliar with the area, whether it's RR97 or a gas station, I want to slow down because I know it's coming up soon, but at the same time I don't want to cause traffic chaos.

And as someone in a large but under-powered car, it sure is an adventure when I'm trying to turn onto Hwy. 6 from a stop sign.

So for people who are familiar with this section, why does it seem nothing is being done about it? Where is the enforcement? Do you know if locals generally agree that it's a problem road?

There are so many idiotic drivers here. These people know there are people who have to turn onto the highway from a standing start. They know there are dozens of houses and businesses lining the road. They know people have to slow down and exit the highway. Yet the drivers there have no regard.

This is the closest thing, along with the 35/115, I can think of when comparing to those terrible roads in the US, particularly US Hwy 1. You know, where cars are doing highway speed, but still have to exit or turn into businesses at 90 degree angles and don't have the benefit of off ramps and in some cases, not even right turn only or merge lanes.

Last edited by megadude; Jul 23, 2018 at 6:28 PM.
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