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Old Posted Nov 27, 2018, 12:45 AM
retro_orange retro_orange is offline
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Originally Posted by svlt View Post
Nothing triggers Vancouver netizens like real estate and racism

Point and counterpoint; There has been an obscene amount of illicit wealth funneled through the province's lax laws that have contributed to the unhealthy real estate environment we now have. A not-insignificant proportion of that source came from China and this origin should be heavily scrutinized and penalized. It's one thing to say we shouldn't be "racist"; it's another to sweep a clear and obvious fact under the rug.

However, racism is a real thing here. I'm downtown most of the week and see it frequently. An Asian looking person simply cannot walk in many parts of downtown east of Granville with a feeling of safety against being randomly provoked by, well, frankly a white person that looks like a victim of drug abuse and high rents. This was almost never an issue in the previous decade. To pretend it is not a problem in small l liberal BC is yet another product of white privilege.

Ideally, we can have a healthy debate about the source of some of the problems and what can be done to fix it without branding an entire ethnic group.

Yeah because no Asian/Chinese person is ever racist right?