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Old Posted Dec 19, 2018, 11:29 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Don't know much about carshare, but I am curious in how it deals with damage or soiling of the car... i.e. what happens if somebody backs it into a tree and doesn't report it, or spills an entire coffee on the seat. Where's the proof that you didn't do it if you are the next one who gets it?

Regarding autonomous vehicles, I'm still skeptical on the timeline set forth by some of the manufacturers and advocacy groups. There's a whole lot of technology there that has to work perfectly in all situations to avoid killing people or just stopping in the middle of the road when it faults out... lots of liability to be had, and I don't think there is anywhere near agreement by the governing entities on how the legalities and responsibilities will pan out.

I can appreciate how people are drawn towards alternate methods of transportation, but surely there must be some people here who actually enjoy driving and perfecting the craft... Maybe I'm alone in this forum, but I just can't help but appreciate skillful driving, and enjoy trying to perfect my own skills as such. Car expenses are something I am happy to spend money on as it affords such freedom and enjoyment, but I get it for those who are not so inclined... to each his/her own.

But, for those who may still enjoy the act of driving one's own vehicle, I respectfully present Ken Block's latest... please don't try this on public roads (unless they are barricaded off as they are in these videos)!

Ken Block
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