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Old Posted Mar 11, 2019, 9:50 PM
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Originally Posted by fredinno View Post
The original M-line (the looping line) was pretty much useless at the time, and only made sense 20 years down the line, once the M-line system was built out, and could have been LRT. Not a great idea once the Broadway extension (the big draw and cause d'etre of the M-line) would be put in, but considering that's happening ~25y after the M-Line's original opening...

I guess you have a point, but then again, just because you have provisions for it, it doesn't necessarily mean it should happen. The Millennium Line had provisions for the NFPR too.
As observed by other posters, the M-Line was supposed to be immediately followed by the Evergreen and Broadway extensions, but those got delayed by Victoria's power politics. There was never a good reason to connect the primary corridors (anybody have the map with all the big arrows on it?) with a sub-par system; the secondary and minor corridors are a different story...

It could very well be that bi-artics would be enough for Highway 10, but you never know. Besides, speculation beats waiting fifty years for TransLink's study.

Originally Posted by fredinno View Post
The Union Pearson Express spur is 3 effectively 3km to the Airport, and the Hamilton spur (before connecting to the Lakeshore mainline) is 4.3km long.

Why are you measuring it from Union to the Airport?
Because that's how long the line is, not the branch? The UP services downtown, then the demi-urbs, then two suburbs, then the airport.

What you proposed is basically one full line that goes Weston, Etobicoke, end of story. No downtown or airport.
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