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Old Posted Nov 1, 2019, 5:44 PM
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Design For Failability

Environmentalists highlight impact of a ‘thirsting, monstrous’ city
'Bengaluru must save rivers of Karnataka' - Bangalore Mirror

Our crooked politicians and bureaucrats are good in harvesting self-benefits by planning for failure. Depending upon their personal goals they design policies and schemes for failures to achieve that goal.

Big shock for people who want new home in Bengaluru
Water woes: Karnataka looks at five-year freeze on constructing apartments in Bengaluru
BENGALURU: The unbridled growth of Bengaluru, which has led to a major crisis on the water supply front, has prompted the government to consider tough measures. Deputy Chief Minister G Parameshwara on Thursday said the government is contemplating on not allowing construction of any new apartments in the city for the next five years.
Freedom fighter H S Doreswamy, who blamed politicians and government officials for the water crisis, likened the situation prevailing in Bengaluru to Chennai, which is witnessing a major water crisis.
Oh Ganshyam, even freedom fighters!

Centre to cut funds to Karnataka <- Here Karnataka does not mean 'The Thirsting Monstrous City'. Remember in the last budget the central goverment alloted funds for health institutes in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' and declared as funds alloted for Karnataka!

The best thing is to put a freeze on commercial & industrial space hence job generation in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City'. No more land conversion for industries including IT/BT. Let jobs be generated in NMCC Karnataka. But whatever new stuff comes up, the state & the central government plan to have it in one and only city of Karnataka! Look at what happened once EV cluster policy announced by the central government - Karnataka Govt To Mark Out 600 Acres For An Industrial EV Cluster.

Okay here is some hope as far are general industries are concerned. But we don't know whether the exclusion of 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' only help its satellite and shadow cities.

Karnataka's new industrial policy to focus on tier-2, tier-3 cities
New textile and garment policy targets Rs. 10,000 cr. investment, 5 lakh jobs <- This policy identifies different zones. No idea whether NMCC Karnataka zones or at least Kalyana Karnataka gets any additional benefits?

But what about creating ecosystem for startups in NMCC Karnataka. Is there a plan for building knowledge infrastructure in NMCC Karnataka? No. The central government wants every kind of knowledge institute alloted to Karnataka to come up in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City'. Whether it is CIPET or Space War headquarters and associated R&D labs or anything else. Why they don't club knowledge infrastucture with industrial infrastructure for better colloboration is not understandable. Why they are alloting Plastic Park for one city but CIPET for a different city? Pharmaceutical Park somewhere but NIPER somewhere else. Why they don't allow proper economic agglomeration to happen in other cities of Karnataka? Such lousy policies.

We should go on a war against Space War Headquarters in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' unless they shift other institutes which are listed already by me to NMCC Karnataka cities. What we need is a freeze on R&D space availability in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' at least for central government funded institutes.

100 days at Rs 500 per day: Azim Premji University proposes urban employment guarantee scheme
Azim Premji University's policy paper suggests the pan-India scheme cover towns with population less than one million. There are about 4,000 such towns with 126 million people of working age. Workers with varying levels of formal education upto standard 12 would be eligible for 100 days of guaranteed employment a year at Rs 500 per day. The paper also suggests "150 contiguous days of training and apprenticeship at a stipend of Rs 13,000 per month for educated youth".

The proposed programme, the paper states, seeks to address "underemployment and low wages in informal workforce, migration to large cities from small towns, poor quality of urban infrastructure and public services, ecological degradation, shortage of human and financial capacities of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), unemployment and lack of skills among the educated youth".
What we need is burden removed from mega metro cities which are feeling the negative effects of economic agglomeration, which have high transportational & hence environmental costs to get resources from far off places to feed its huge population. And then allow positive economic agglomeration to happen in smaller cities which have enough material resources available locally around it.

Remember that we need more cities in range of population of 25 to 30 lakhs so to make social, economic & physical infrastructure viable. We have already discussed in an earlier post that to make an airport or a disneyland profitable a certain level of dense population is needed in the vicinity. Optimized economic agglomeration needs optimized population level.

The treatment recommended for 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' to bring down its thirst is to keep it starved for sometime and letting it to become slim & beautiful again. And allow other small starving cities to gain weight.

I will write more stuffs relevant to this in my upcoming series of posts titled "Globalization x Localization".

Karnataka has got a new government now. Some hope is created for NMCC Karnataka. Earlier as NMCC Karnataka elected more MLAs from a non-ruling party it was finding it difficult to get funds. Now the situation has changed and MLAs are getting more funds as their own party is in power.

Hyderabad-Karnataka Region Renamed "Kalyana Karnataka
HKCCI demands creation of a separate ministry and secretariat for HKRDB
Yediyurappa promises separate Secretariat for Kalyana Karnataka
Separate secretariat will ensure growth of Kalyana Karnataka: CM Yediyurappa

Hyderabad Karnataka is renamed as Kalyana Karnataka. Politically it is assumed that Kalyana Karnataka people are now happy and vote for this party in all future elections! :lol:

On the other hand the political leeches, which were out of power for last six years, are fighting to be in-charge of 'The Thirsting Monstrous City'. And no one is fighting to be 'Kalyana Karnataka Minsiter'! What does that mean? Obviously there will be no money for Kalyana Karnataka.

2019 Karnataka Legislative Assembly by-elections have offered a new opportunity for people of North Karnataka. In this by-election request North Karnataka people to vote for the ruling party. And those NMCC Karnataka migrants settled in 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' & having voting rights there to vote against the ruling party. Just recollect those old days you spent in schools and colleges wishing to be with your parents forever and wished for development of your birth town or village in NMCC Karnataka so that you get a good job there itself. Recollect how politicians having nexus with real estate mafia of 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' forced you to migrate to that city by not creating any jobs in your birth place. Remember those sufferings and take revenge. Best treatment for 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' is to keep it starved so that its thirst will be reduced. Please tolerate inconvenience for sometime & who knows if situation gets better in your home region your wish of going back to your place may be fulfilled soon!

Today is the black day for NMCC Karnataka. Formation of Karnataka has only helped Real Estate Mafia of 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' and a few haptavasuli gangs there. NMCC Karnataka is exploited like colonies by 'The Thirsting Monstrous City' real estate mafia. So, let us observe this black day with usual silence without any protest till next black day!
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