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Old Posted Feb 12, 2020, 6:52 AM
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Originally Posted by fredinno View Post
Yes, Skytrain is. It was originallydesigned for 16,000pphpd (as Zwei will constantly remind you), and if we haven't reached it by now, we will soon. We're upgrading the system to go beyond that because the system as a whole wasn't designed for the foot traffic it's getting.

So what you're saying if we should build a West End subway?

And a relief line between Stadium and Yaletown... doesn't sound worth it. People going to Richmond from the East are going to be using the Broadway.

Yeah, I don't know either. Either way, Translink does not make that much money off its RE. It could- and should on its DT Stations (esp. Waterfront), but losing their money isn't that big a deal. An MTR Mall, the Waterfront shops are not. On the grand scheme of things, the amount of money TransLink makes off retail is negligible (0.5M is nothing when the Translink budget is in the Billions- it's literally couch pennies)

I'm not too concerned about the River District (it's not worth building a Skytrain line down there just for 1 megadevelopment), but I am about getting there from the north (BCIT). To get to Metrotown Station requires a connection 1 block east. Either you demo Crystal Mall, the Burnaby Public Library, or go under the SFH and medium-density zoned properties to the north. Though, I THINK the BC government owns the land underground unless stated otherwise, but mineral rights =/= subsurface rights(
Care to help?

Yeah, maybe. But if a line connecting to the Millennium only gets you limited relief, than extending it to the Expo won't either if it's only the in-between stops that benefit. The line is necessary for other reasons, but not for relief. You'd be better spending money on commuter rail if that was your goal.

Sir, the SeaBus terminus on Waterfront is 72m wide x 83m long. Unless you can operate it off 1 berth, it's pretty wide. The existing Kits and Ambleside docks are not good for such a service. The latter one is not designed for boat docking at all, and the former is 15min away from an LRT Station on Pennyfarthing.
But it's not maxed out at 15-16k like the Canada Line is. The new theoretical maximum is 25-38k (depending on whose numbers you're using), which is what the TTC and STM are dealing with right now; if we'd tried to get a SkyTrain on that scale back in '86, we'd never even have gotten the Expo funded!

I repeat, West End passengers going in and out at West End stations would means less foot traffic in the CBD stations. Though yes, in hindsight, there aren't a lot of people getting on at City Centre and off at Yaletown.

Fair enough, but it's still nice to have somewhere to eat before/during/after a commute.

The River District is icing on the cake (and can also connect to a tram on Marine); a tunnel under McKay can have an entrance coming right out at the mouth of the Metrotown Station stairway with no need to demo any malls or libraries, though we might have to kiss some SFH in the north goodbye. Most people will still be headed to downtown/Commercial, yes, but a lot of people who aren't will not be. The R4 on 41st will help as well.

Which is roughly the size of the Kits and Ambleside docks - and I believe you wanted a tram to Vanier. It's not any more implausible than 75% of the thread so far.
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