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Old Posted Jul 12, 2020, 12:14 AM
Uhuniau Uhuniau is offline
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Originally Posted by Kitchissippi View Post
Ottawa focuses way too much on middle to affluent (mostly family) tourism.
This is a problem all across Canada, and it's only gotten worse as inter-provincial and inter-city passenger transport that isn't a plane or a private automobile has atrophied over the past few decades.

Ottawa has become increasingly gentrified, pushing affordable spaces conducive to artistic activity out of the picture. We need more incubators for originality and uniqueness.
Similarly, on the small-office and small-retail side. We keep losing small spaces in our older and interesting neighbourhoods to demolition and redevelopment that can only ever attract the Shoppers and Rexalls, while at the same time making it impossible to build new neighbourhoods according to the old and cross-pollinating way of building a city and its culture.

You want your city to not be boring? Stop allowing only boring crap to be built, start allowing non-boring things to be built, and stop hollowing out the parts and institutions in your city that tend towards making it less boring.
Enjoy my taxes, Orleans (and Kanata?).
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