Thread: My Los Ángeles
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Old Posted Aug 10, 2020, 6:29 PM
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Thanks for the positive comments. I'm not artistic or a pro at photography by any means; I just like to take pictures of things.

I thought to create a photo thread of the places in LA that I personally like, places I see all the time, places that have sentimental value for me, and even the mundane things, like my commute and the Circle K near my work.
Hence the title "My Los Ángeles." At first I thought to limit the pics to places within LA City limits, but I figured I cross city boundaries all the time, so I may as well include other cities within LA County. I'm making it a point not to take pictures of places outside of LA County, though... with this pandemic going on, I'm not really apt to venture outside of LA County anyway. Not that my partner and I were going into Orange County often anyway, but some time ago we decided to avoid/boycott OC because of all the anti-maskers and "Open up!" protesters there.

I love Long Beach. Yes, it has its own identity and vibe and of course is a separate big city from LA. Back in the 90s I went to school at Cal State Long Beach (after transferring out of UC Santa Barbara, which I actually hated at the time) and I loved going to CSULB. It was attending school there that made me really get to know Long Beach and fall in love with it. Apart from Belmont Shore, Broadway was a big hangout for me too, especially that coffee house called "The Library"---hehe and I also liked going to some of the gay bars on Broadway. I've always known about Long Beach as a child because my mom worked at the VA Hospital there, and sometimes when she needed to go to her credit union, I would tag along. And yes, Long Beach has changed a lot over the years.

I'm very sorry to hear about your wife's father; my condolences to the both of you and your family.
"I guess the only time people think about injustice is when it happens to them."

~ Charles Bukowski
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