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Old Posted Oct 24, 2021, 8:15 AM
timbad timbad is offline
heavy user of walkability
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Mission Bay, San Francisco
Posts: 3,150
from my walk today, before the big rain ...

the one on Ninth and Howard is finally losing its shroud

revealing a hole like Trinity should have had more of

on Van Ness, I noticed the sidewalks have made a good deal of progress - I didn't see any of the temporarily-asphalted-over bits on the few blocks that I walked along. we're getting there!

the former tire/car repair place on ?Turk is also losing its shroud. so far doesn't look as good as I had thought it would from the renderings, but we'll see

the sister projects next to/near the YMCA *are* still shrouded

Serif is looking good (though I agree with the observation someone made a while back that some of the depth of the texture seems to have been value-engineered away, and that is too bad)

for many years Market St seemed to go from lively-bustling to derelict-depressing pretty quickly starting at about Fifth St. the Serif block gets you almost to Sixth, and, although fairly quiet when I went by, did not appear to have much of that old aspect

the 'back' side is still fenced off

but here is a sneak preview of the sidewalk there

and, throwing in one of Second St looking south toward Oracle Park. I just like the makeover of the street

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