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Old Posted Nov 29, 2021, 5:07 PM
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someone123 someone123 is offline
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“We tried to create a building that was timeless and that won’t look dated in 20 or 40 or 60 years,” he said.
I'd say though that monochromatic buildings with this style of cladding are the current style and they were rare in the past and kind of unnatural looking. You can add random colour, sure, but you could also use high quality materials with a warmer appearance like brick, stone, or Muntz metal. Or organic forms and detailing in more modern materials, like patterns cut into metal screens.

That said I think this one may end up being better than it seems in the long run. The renderings are done with a perspective that exaggerates how imposing it will look in person and in the long run there might be more new buildings around there like something to replace the Staples. And maybe there will be something on the curved corners of this building when it's constructed that isn't shown in the rendering. I could see this corner feeling a bit like Spring Garden Road where there are lots of medium sized buildings and none of them stand out much.
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