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Old Posted Nov 29, 2021, 7:50 PM
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someone123 someone123 is offline
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I mostly notice it because if I look at collages of construction updates it's a sea of black and white with lots of grey metal paneling. Sometimes coloured panels are mixed in which adds some distinction but it's pretty superficial (e.g. Velo 2 countertop-like material).

If you consider what South Park or the old bank towers were like there was a lot of variety in form, material, and colour, even though they were not all successful urbanism-wise. The old CBC building was fairly unique and each bank tower was quite different (mirror-like TD, red CIBC, black and white Royal Bank, blue 1801 Hollis, concrete BMO). In old Halifax there was a lot of carved stone, red brick, and wood painted different colours with fine detailing (not houses covered in sheets of plywood or whatever the analogue would be). If you look at Spring Garden Road now the Margaretta sort of has this monochrome look (with some blue, which seems to me like what the 5515 Cogswell architects might have been thinking of as a possibility), South Park Lofts does, and Curve/Pavilion do too. The Trillium has its seafoam green spandrel and red brick lower floors which today are the outdated style. I think something new could easily come along and people will look at South Park Lofts in a way similar to the Trillium, though the Trillium is a bit more jumbled as well.

Queen's Marque may be closer to "timeless" than 5515 Cogswell will be.
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