Thread: The Dad Thread
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Old Posted Nov 3, 2022, 7:14 PM
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Originally Posted by harls View Post
Both my parents were 19 when I was born. I think I might have been an 'oops'.

I had my first kid at 29, much more sensible
I was positively ancient, aged 36 for my first and 38 for my second (at 53 now, I am at the age when many dads of times past would have been a grandfather....some of my friends are already grandfathers).

Young people often don't realize how narrow that optimal window is. In my case, I was in school until I was 24, then career for 5 years, then back to school, ostensibly for a Master's degree only, but then I decided to also do a PhD and the years that this took....suddenly you are in your mid thirties, without much economic resources, and you've got to get your career (back) on track, start a family, buy a home, etc....

Mind you, I still felt fresh and young at 36....big difference than now at 53 (even though physically, I am in good shape, but the years take their toll regardless). You have to think backwards: If I wait until__ to have a kid, how old will I be if the kid stays home until they are 24 years old? And then, if I want to have more kids in the future...same mental calculus applies.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. (Bertrand Russell)
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