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Old Posted Dec 30, 2022, 5:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Luisito View Post
LOL Does including the metro areas of those cities change anything? Quebec city has what, 1 murder this year so far? In total mumbers we are second only behind Toronto which is a city many times larger than Winnipeg.
Why do you keep bringing up QC or even Hamilton for that matter. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just perhaps, there might be some sort of demographic differences between these cities that may account for the about 50,000 % difference in the number of murders that have occurred between QC and Winnipeg this past year? Or are their cops just that much better, or perhaps their surgeons that much better with emergencies? Or maybe Quebecers just such at fatally stabbing and shooting other folks. I dunno.

You whine a lot, but you really don't add anything substantive to any conversation.

I will probably get you all up in a huff about sweeping things under the rug, but despite this 50,000% difference in murders in Winnipeg, have you ever personally felt that you were gonna get killed here? Personally, I don't live in fear about getting murdered in Winnipeg. Why? Because I don't hang out with or amoung murderers. And the vast majority of other people don't either.

If you are that concerned, as others have said, do something about it. Voice your concerns with people that can make a difference. Donate to causes that treat the symptoms. Organize your block to help combate property crime.

Or hey, just keep bringing up the same thing over and over again in a message board.
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