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Old Posted Apr 16, 2009, 5:16 AM
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Originally Posted by CoolCzech View Post
20 years??
Jesus Fracking Christ. Can't the government just pull another imaginary $1 trillion out of its ass and get this built as a "stimulus" or something?
The PA has long resisted rebuilding all of this space, inexplicably because it was the PA that built the complex in the first place. The PA still owns the complex (Silverstein, when it comes down to it, is just a tenant himself). The agency has hampered and resisted any downright rebuilding of the site. Once again, through "leaks" and "innuendo" in the press, the agency seeks to paint Larry Silverstein as the greedy developer who only cares about building office space.

However, Larry Silverstein has been the one constant at ground zero. He is and has been the "face" of the rebuilding since the beginning. These guys who are runnig the Port Authority now are just the latest in a revolving door of incompetency (likely to be replaced again before any real visual progress on the other towers).

The agency itself stokes up fears of rebuilding. Remember when it was the PA that insisted the Freedom Tower would be a terrorist target, and wanted no part of it? To date, it's the only potential tenant to publicly state that (which they stated again recently, even as they signed a tenant). Suddenly its the market the PA is concerned about. They don't want to flood the market (5 or 6 years down the line) with excess office space they say.

We are fast approaching the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Nearly a decade since the City and its skyline were damaged. Yet the PA thinks it's a good idea to wait a few more decades for the rebuidling. A couple of hours to destroy, a few decades to rebuild in the minds of the Port Authority.

"...the authority has totally lost confidence in the city’s ability to bounce back economically, and wants to push the completion of the entire WTC rebuilding off like 15 or 20 years. No way Larry's going to agree to that."
I hope Larry gives'em all the hell he can at this point....
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