Thread: Gordo is gone!
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Old Posted Nov 4, 2010, 11:02 PM
GMasterAres GMasterAres is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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If you think Gordon Campbell did an overall bad job for BC do the following:

1) Read up on history with regards to the past 20 years in BC
2) Travel down to the US and hop through some of the major cities there
3) Head east and talk to Canadians on the other side of the country

The truth is most people have a beef with GC because of the lying. I mean let's face it, he even lied about stepping down. For the past several months he has continuously said he won't step down even up to a few days ago then blamo btw I'm stepping down. You don't just make that decision in an hour, so that means he even lied about that.

That doesn't take away the fact he did some really good things nor the fact he did some very bad things. At the end of the day we're better off than almost every other province in this country and we're in a country better off than almost every other country on the planet so let's be a bit more realistic.

HST? Just loads of FUD and a lot of people not reading into facts. "I spent thousands on HST" said above is just crap. Means that person spent over $30,000 in the past several months. Stop spending that much or yay must be nice to be that rich. Truth is HST affects you WAY LESS than you think.

BC Rail sale? That had some major issues related. But the Olympics went pretty well. Gateway will be good, in 10 years it will be like the Alex Fraser bridge in that those against now won't be able to dream of how they would function without that bridge. Same with Gateway in 10 years most people will go "How could we have functioned without all this!" Not to mention most people I've heard and talked to who are against Gateway seem to miss the key concept that our population is growing yet our infrastructure is stagnant.

MORE ROADS MEANS MORE CARS! No... more people means more cars.... durrr what a concept.

Heck the fact that many of Surrey's top accident intersections are along HWY 1 means the improvements to interchanges alone will save in health care, insurance costs, and lost time/gas usage (less crashes, less injuries, and less time waiting in traffic due to said crashes).

People need to look more at the big picture than at their little finite gas receipt for last week or their day-to-day job. That's why I'd never want to run this province. While you're thinking big picture everyone is thinking only about what they're going to eat tonight and losing perspective with regards to reality.

Is it good he is gone? Maybe. I think it could be bad because what's the alternative? The NDP? Do you want James as our Permier? At least Gordo stepped down when he was unpopular. She is just as unpopular as Campbell and her party is even vocal about it yet she won't step down. That's the making of a great leader. </sarcasm>
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