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Old Posted Feb 13, 2017, 6:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Spocket View Post
Don't they ? Or are some lives worth less because they're the wrong religion, race, or culture? Maybe they have the wrong job? People getting upset about saying that yes, in fact, all lives DO matter is the kind of intolerance we can do without. I wouldn't say that your life doesn't matter. Why would you think that you should say that to somebody else?
You would think this, but this is the hyper sensitive age where everything must be done to the extreme, and if you are not 100% in line with a group / movement / ideology, well then, you MUST be the enemy (because, you know, there are no shades of gray anymore).

I actually believe that the Black Live Matter movement missed a huge opportunity in its infancy to be accepted by a much wider range of people when a few moderate liberals started saying "All Lives Matter." Of course this is the age of division (identity politics) and no one was going to have any of that. Those people were made into social pariahs and had to apologize. That alienated many potential supporters of the movement and then caused the "All Live Matter" quote to be stolen by those on the right as a counter protest. A sucky situation really. One can argue that having allowed the "Black Lives Matter" movement to naturally evolve into "All Lives Matter" (which is was at first) would have lost some focus of the original goal, but I feel that doing so would have been to the larger benefit of the black population in the end, and indeed all people (using inclusiveness instead of exclusion) For godlessness sake, doing such may have been the extra straw needed that would have prevented a Trump presidency. Just something I have wanted to say for a long time (and expect to be called a racist for doing so, because nothing wins an argument like calling someone a racist these days)

I also agree that too many people rank an area's worth by its diversity. I remember an SSP conversation years ago about how Portland was "too white." To me, calling an area "too" anything is racist and quite disgusting. An area does not need diversity to be fun / interesting. Look at Japan, it is the least diverse place in the world (99% Japanese) so if you are going to fault some cities in North America for being "too white" then you better also fault Japanese cities for being "too Japanese."

That said I also don't think that any area being too diverse should be looked at as a negative either. There are many positives to having great diversity in a city. (some that i miss very much living in Japan)

Both have their positives and negatives and in the end, with all other factors equal, generally even out.
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