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Old Posted Aug 23, 2014, 4:58 AM
williamchung taiwan's Avatar
williamchung taiwan williamchung taiwan is offline
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[tr][td]全球頂尖設計團隊9月齊聚桃園機場 機場新建第三航廈向前邁大步[/td][/tr]
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[tr][td]  「桃園航空城核心計畫」最重要的旗艦計畫-「第三航站區計畫」業已完成總顧問規劃階段的重大進展,為加速新建桃園機場第三航廈作業,桃園機場公司將於9月舉辦公開徵求資料說明會(RFI),廣邀全世界頂尖專業設計團隊共襄盛舉提供建言,相關的討論及回饋建議將由機場公司納入後續公開招標作業參考,宣示機場第三航廈(T3)的新建計畫又向前邁進了一大步。
  Facilitated by the General Consultant, the Terminal 3 area project, as the flagship of the Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan, has completed the plan stage. TIAC will hold a Request for Information (RFI) seminar in September to gather discussions and feedback from top architecture designers in the world for the preparation of T3’s design tender.
  The RFI seminar, with two sessions, Chinese in the morning and English in the afternoon, will be held on 25 September in T2’s 1019 Press room. TIAC and the General Consultant will explain the vision and initial results of the Terminal 3 area project to participating teams who are interested in the detail design tender, and to absorb their opinions. TIAC intends to make the Terminal 3 area, the single biggest public building since the major 10 constructions in Taiwan and also taken seriously by global designers, a new landmark of this country that our fellow citizens can feel proud of.
  「第三航站區計畫」除了將新建年旅客容量達4500萬人次的第三航廈外,還有與第二航廈之間多功能大樓(Multi-function Building) ,未來將匯集全世界的人流、物流、金流與資訊流,扮演臺灣櫥窗(Window of Taiwan)角色,吸引全球知名連鎖飯店進駐,並有MIT臺灣精品及品牌臺灣中心展示,及提供旅客及國人休閒娛樂一應俱全的各種前衛貼心規劃,讓機場不再只是機場;而第三航廈、第二航廈及多功能大樓更將整合成為規模宏偉且氣勢壯觀的Mega-Terminal,讓來臺旅客驚豔感動,一睹超越世界其他標竿機場的不同凡響格局。
  The T3 area project includes two parts: a terminal that can accommodate 45 million passengers annually, and a Multi-function Building (MFB) that connects T2 and T3. The MFB will be the window of Taiwan to obtain flows of passengers, cargo, cash, and information, and to attract the station of global hotel brands. It will also act as the exhibition center of MIT products and brands. T2 and T3, after being connected by MFB, will become a Mega-Terminal that inspires passengers arriving at Taiwan.
  In addition to the RFI seminar, TIAC has begun to arrange the 2015 design tender, with the purpose of selecting the first-class team to unfold the detail design afterwards. In the future the construction of the T3 area will be executed in stages and opened for operation regionally to serve passengers.
  TIAC welcomes those interested in the RFI seminar to register before 5 September. For detailed information and invitation letter please refer to the link:

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