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Old Posted Aug 20, 2012, 12:35 PM
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Tyler Xyroadia Tyler Xyroadia is offline
Architect Curmudgeon
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Arizona
Posts: 161
And now for the Curmudgeon to way in on some recent buildings...

The Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, BRILLIANT!
The gleaming white stone, stepback tower and walls are done quite well.
The whole thing looks as if it could have easily stepped out of the 1940's

The Hancock Center in Poughkeepsie, New York.
A very... Interesting look. The walls are 'vaguely' art-deco, thought thjey do not match each other... The tower is slightly neo-gothic, and that random bay window is right from the Tudor. The whole thing has potential, but it just cannot decied what to be!

Independence Bank - Bowling Green, Kentucky
Well you can't get much more tradtional then that! Now I was never one for the whole early colonial style, but a Curmudgeon should give credit where it is due. In terms of looking tradtional, this is a bloody good job

Washington Univeristy.
Well Bloody Hell! You can NOT tell it is a recent building other then the fact it looks "New'
And that is how you really do it, HERE is a building that didn't just set out to LOOK old, it has care crafted into it. The bricks are real, the details are real, the stonework, decorations... All bloody brilliant. Here is a modle for how it should be done
"God damn modern architect's and their Brtualism, and 'realism' and damn concrete boxes. Why I remember back when buildings had STYLE back when you would have real ARTISTS working away both inside and out!
"Um, aren't you like barely 30?"
"Thats not the point you damn whipper snapper!"
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