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Old Posted Dec 29, 2014, 12:36 AM
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O the humanity!

The skyscrapers are coming!

This comment is interesting:

A train station without a book store is unthinkable ,especially one as busy as this.And yet......

DECEMBER 23, 2014 AT 7:46 PM
Gojira said...
Welcome to the New New York, where all that matters is the tourist dollar, the rights of developers to raze the city, the ability of wolf packs drunken students to wreak havoc on residential neighborhoods, and the determination of politicians to sell us out to whoever stuffs the most money into their re-election campaign chests.

Despite all of that, Jeremiah, I want to wish you and yours a merry Christmas, a happy New Year, and a steely resolve to continue cataloguing the diminution of the city in 2015.
They think that development = World War Z and the coming of the anti-christ

In this scenario, the zombies are the drunken students that pillage and rape every single night.

This must be an American problem. Only in this country would you have people who are against making cities better. They chose to live in the past, and preserve their own views, and keep the city as a museum; lost in time when it should be moving forward.