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Old Posted Jul 19, 2022, 5:23 PM
jonny24 jonny24 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: Hamilton, formerly Norfolk County
Posts: 1,189
I'd agree that Hamilton has taken a noticeable turn for the worse over the course of the pandemic.

2016 to 2018 I lived just went of downtown, and went / walked downtown often enough.

2018 I moved near THF, as well getting a job on the mountain instead of driving to Woodstock, so basically my day to day life doesn't pass through downtown unless I'm driving to the 403, which is fairly often.

An holy are there a lot of people hanging around that clearly have no where else to go, compared towaht it seemed like before. Now it seems like every drive through I see someone clearly tripping balls / having severe metal issues, wandering ranting etc. Obvious "camps" / individual makeshift shelters in all kinds of obvious places that you wouldn't have seen before.

So yeah, much worse and no signs of improving.
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