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Old Posted Oct 15, 2011, 10:57 PM
Stevo26 Stevo26 is offline
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Originally Posted by S-Man View Post
Here in Ottawa - or anywhere else there are very loud, mostly retired public servants - the people making the NIMBY comments and throwing wrenches into every plan and project (because they don't support it/will never use it/want peace and quiet and low taxes) are somewhere in between. The well-off, Boomer pensioners/close to retirement people who feels their glory days (and the rest of the world's) was in the Trudeau-era '70's are the ones doing the delaying.
It's terrible here for that - a clash of the Tim Hortons Tories who write to the SUN but never form a protest groups and the ex-hippie Trudeauites who feel their special interest group speaks for everyone and takes the city to court over every little thing, like if a building is one storey too tall for the neighbourhood.
With a growing population approaching 1.3 million we're reducing bus service and raising fares (25% in five years) because the people who like to sit in their rapidly-appreciating homes and drive everywhere don't want THEIR tax dollars spent on a "useless" light rail system. or have density downtown or anywhere near it (because it will mean traffic on their urban street). Or have entertainment venues or sporting arenas, etc, etc, etc...

Good (but saddened) to see it's the same everywhere.
Well, if it's any comfort, it seems to me that old men (and I'm not generalizing here) are a grumpy lot who like to bitch about everything. I sense that their grumpiness and oppositional behaviour has a lot to do with the fact that they have nothing really meaningful to do with their time.

I have an uncle in his mid-sixties who, despite the fact that he's still working full-time, fits the 'grumpy old man' mould well. He's very opinionated and will oppose anything you say because (a) he has to be right every time, and (b) just for the hell of it!
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