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Old Posted Oct 16, 2010, 10:23 PM
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RIYADH l King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) Towers & Developments | U/C

Riyadh / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah Financial District

Follow the KAFD Thread in the Saudi Arabia SSC Forum:

It will be the Middle East's first financial district on a scale, and of regulatory and technological standards, to match the major global financial centres.
Explaining the background to the Kingdom's ambitious but attainable strategy, His Majesty said:

'We are blessed with a robust economy, a stable currency and a strong financial sector with equally strong supervision.'
The intention to construct the world's first major financial district of the twenty first century is the latest stage in what is already a carefully planned and implemented programme of financial modernisation by Saudi Arabia. It will follow the successful launch of:-

• Tadawul, one of the world's most technologically advanced stock exchanges;
• The Capital Market Authority, which has introduced international-class regulation to the capital market;
• And a host of other reforms such as the licensing of international banks, insurance and investment companies.

Saudi Arabia's financial district will be built close to the business centre of Riyadh. The site is 1.6 million square metres and the development will have floor space of over 3 million square metres. It will be a multi-year project during which Saudi Arabia - already the world's oil capital - will consolidate its position as the Middle East's financial capital.
The master plan for the King Abdullah Financial District will be completed by the end of the year. Construction will begin in 2007 and will create thousands of construction and related jobs over an intense three year period of building and development.
The King Abdullah Financial District is designed as a state-of-the-art and fully self contained centre for doing business and facilitating investment and enterprise in the Kingdom and, in due course, in the wider region.
Many of the world's major banks, financial institutions and professional service companies - already operating in Saudi Arabia - have indicated their intention to locate in the District in order to play a major part in the diversification of the world's major oil economy.
The King Abdullah Financial District will be the headquarters for the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and the Stock Exchange (Tadawul), and for financial institutions and other service providers such as accountants, auditors, lawyers, analysts, rating agencies, consultants, and IT providers.
His Excellency, Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al-Assaf, Minister of Finance, said:
'Our common goal in establishing a new financial district is to provide an attractive working environment for the growing number of Saudis working in the financial sector.'
The CMA has been designing the strategy underpinning the development of the District together with the Public Pensions Agency (PPA). One of the cornerstones of their strategy is the development of a public/private partnership.
His Excellency Jammaz Al-Suhaimi, Chairman of the CMA, said: 'We are working hard to strengthen and develop our capital market. The role of the King Abdullah Financial District will be to facilitate the financial sector's contribution to our national economic growth in every way we can.
'We will provide young people and others who want to learn with an opportunity to enhance their skills and develop their full potential to help deepen our financial markets. Thus, in addition to facilitating business and investment, a centerpiece of the District will be a new financial academy and conference facilities for financial services.
'The purpose of this new financial academy will be to enhance the skills, training, and capabilities of current and future generations to consolidate Saudi Arabia's position as the largest economy in the region.'
His Excellency H.E. Mr. Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al-Khrashi, Governor of the PPA, said
'The Public Pension Agency (PPA) sponsors investment projects that are beneficial to the equity of the pensioners, and help to support the financial revenues of the Agency. The Agency's investment in this project is in line with this policy. The Agency will own and develop the whole project, and will provide opportunity for the CMA and other government agencies such as SAMA, and other related companies, such as insurance companies, banks and financial services to find suitable locations and offices that are equipped with the world's modern technologies. It has already taken the necessary steps towards achieving this objective, and it expects that the project will create an excellent working environment that will attract excellent investment opportunities.'


Amazing Video of the Old render :

Video Link

new video showing 3 buildings

Video Link

new video showing 1 building

Video Link

Site tour through some of the KAFD

Video Link

Site tour of KAFD 07-19-10

Video Link


Old render of the area

Consultant Cyril Sweett has been appointed to work on the Crystalline tower in the King Abdullah Financial District in Riyadh for the Capital Market Authority.

The 385m tower will be the tallest of five towers in the financial plaza scheme.

The CMA will occupy the upper section of the tower whilst the remainder of the floors are to be leased to other world leading financial organizations and banks.

Cyril Sweett will be providing cost and project management services on the CMA Tower project, which is being designed jointly by HOK and Omrania & Associates.

The project is due to complete beginning of 2012.


IT will looks some what like this

can you imagine that all of theses buildings are under construction right now ! :

I hope all pictures are showing up . If not, try this :

new pix of world trade center-riyadh by gensler


GCC Bank Headquarters in Riyadh

Also positioned at the heart of the KAFD district, Parcel 1.14 is a new headquarters building that will offer state-of-the-art office and amenity space. Intended to be the home for the newly formed GCC Bank, the tower’s timeless architectural design has been specifically tailored for occupation by the Gulf region’s governing financial institution.

Pivotal to the scheme’s architectural expression is its highly contextual response to environmental requirements. It is clad in a distinctive copper/stainless steel shell, which protects the interior working environment from intense solar gain, significantly reducing energy loads whilst creating an elegant aesthetic response.

The buildings functional and spatial arrangements have been carefully considered to support the business activities of its occupier. The floor plates have been refined to effectively support contemporary working practices creating dynamic, collaborative areas adjacent to the Financial Plaza with discreet space for focus work and framed views of Riyadh’s cityscape..

Space highlights include double level lobby/skywalks, executive spaces at roof level with access to landscaped shaded roof terraces, the three sky-lobbies and amenity floors easily reached from any of the tower’s 53 stories.

Situated within the heart the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s new financial centre, the King Abdullah Financial District, Parcel 1.15 will be known as the KAFD World Trade Centre. Gensler were commissioned by the Riyadh Investment Company (owner) and Saudi Bin Laden Group (builder) after successfully winning an international design competition for the design of the tower. The World Trade Centre is scheduled for completion in November 2012.


Photos by engineer. irfan rashid[/QUOTE]


العساف: المشاريع القائمة في مركز الملك عبدالله المالي لم يحدث لها أي تأخير وتسير كما مخطط لها

عبدالله من الفهيد من الرياض
عقد مجلس إدارة المؤسسة العامة للتقاعد برئاسة وزير المالية الدكتور إبراهيم بن عبدالعزيز العساف اجتماعه (207) اليوم في مقر مشروع مركز الملك عبدالله المالي. وقام أعضاء المجلس بعد ختام الجلسة بجولة تفقدية للاطلاع على ما تم إنجازه من مراحل المشروع ، حيث أطلعوا على ما تم تنفيذه من المرحلة الأولى من المباني التي من المتوقع أن تكون جاهزة في شهر مايو القادم بإذن الله ، كما اطلعوا على مراحل تنفيذ المرحلة الثانية للمشروع التي من المتوقع أن تكتمل في شهر مارس 2012م.

واستمع المجلس إلى شرح مفصل من المهندسين السعوديين في المشروع حيث انطلقت معظم أعمال البنية التحتية والطرق ونظام التبريد ونظام القطار , وأن مراحل العمل تسير حسب الجدول الزمني المعتمد فيما يتعلق بمناطق الجذب ومواقف السيارات. وأبدى المجلس ارتياحه للمستوى الذي يتم بموجبه تنفيذ أعمال التشييد والبناء ، وحث المجلس إدارة المشروع على الاهتمام بسرعة التنفيذ واستكمال ما تبقى من مراحل المشروع حسب المواعيد المحددة لذلك.

وأكد وزير المالية في تصريح لوسائل الإعلام عقب انتهاء الجولة في المركز متابعة خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز لسير أعمال مشروع مركز الملك عبدالله المالي من ناحية متابعة التقارير الشهرية التي توضح ما تم إنجازه وتطويره شهراً بشهر. وبين أن المشاريع القائمة في المركز لم يحدث لها أي تأخير من الناحية الزمنية وتسير كما مخطط لها , وراهن على تميز المركز بعد انتهائه عالمياً من نواحي منها التصميم والبيئة العملية والنشاط الاقتصادي الموجود في المركز.

وأوضح الدكتور العساف انسيابية الحركة المرورية في المركز ومعالجة مشاكل السير ، حيث تم عمل ممرات من تحت الأرض وعمل ثلاث طرق رئيسية بالمركز من خارج المركز ، أما من داخل المركز فهناك وسائل نقل حديثه , بداية بإيقاف الشخص سيارته بالمواقف ويكون آخر عهده بها لوجود ثلاثة وسائل نقل وهي القطار المعلق والجسور المغلقة المرتبطة بالمباني من دون حاجة الشخص إلى الخروج أو المشي في الطرقات المخصصة للمشاة.

يذكر أن شركة الاستثمارات الرائدة " الذراع الاستثماري العقاري للمؤسسة العامة للتقاعد " تتولى الإشراف على تنفيذ هذا المشروع والمشاريع العقارية الأخرى للمؤسسة ويعمل بالشركة مجموعة من المهندسين السعوديين المؤهلين كما يساندهم اثنتان من الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في مجال إدارة المشاريع هما شركة " هيل أنترناشونال " وشركة " وهانمي بيرسون ".

ويحتوي المشروع على عدد من المباني الخاصة بالمكاتب الإدارية المجهزة بأفضل التجهيزات والمتطلبات المكتبية وكذلك مباني خاصة للمساكن حيث تبلغ نسبة المساكن حوالي 26% من مباني المشروع ، ويوجد في المشروع ثلاث فنادق خمس نجوم لرجال الأعمال تديرها شركات خدمات فندقية متميزة إضافة إلى مباني الخدمات المساندة الأخرى ومباني الجهات الحكومية الخاصة بالأمن والدفاع المدني.

ويتوفر في المشروع سبعة مساجد إضافة إلى مناطق الجذب والترويح مثل منتزه الوادي وحوض الأسماك وصالة العرض ومتحف العلوم ومتحف الأطفال التفاعلي والمرافق التعليمية الأخرى ويسير العمل حالياً في المشروع على مدار الساعة ويبلغ عدد العمالة في المشروع حوالي ثلاثة عشر ألف عامل ومن المتوقع أن يرتفع العدد إلى خمسة وعشرين ألف عامل في منتصف العام القادم.

Last edited by GulfArabia; Nov 9, 2010 at 7:12 AM.
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