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Old Posted Jul 22, 2017, 12:10 AM
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mousquet mousquet is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Greater Paris, France
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How is this ugly? I don't get it... People must be comfy in there.
You just hate modernism.

Check out the maison de la radio in Paris.

That's where the national public radio station network is at. They surely broadcast quite a bit of socialist propaganda that bores and annoys me, but you'd love it if you only could speak French.

Plus, they broadcast FIP. Jazz, fine R&B, fine Pop Rock, World Music, Classical, everything, even crazy weird contemporary music on France Musique and France Culture... They have everything in there. Believe me. It's like the entire universe is contained in their building. All the finest. I so love it.

And it's sexy with capitalist la Défense in the background, isn't it? That's because we taxpayers fund it all.
But it's ok. I won't complain about it.
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