Thread: Crime in Ottawa
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Old Posted Jan 12, 2018, 12:30 AM
Uhuniau Uhuniau is offline
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In 1998, the Ontario portion of the Ottawa-Hull CMA had the 14th-highest violent crime rate of 25 CMAs (counting the Quebec side as a separate CMA).

In 2016, Ottawa ranked 31st-highest out of 33. Only Sherbrooke and Windsor (!?!!) had lower violent crime rates.

Between 1998 and 2016, Ottawa had a lower rate of violent crime than Canada as a whole, and lower than the average of all metropolitan areas, every single year, and it was below the Ontario rate in all but three years.

And Ottawa's violent crime rate, like that almost everywhere in the country, is continuing a decades-long downward slope.

There's a weird paradox in many developed countries, that the more the crime rate goes down, the more people become obsessed with, and worry about, crime.

Data source: Statscan CANSIM Table 252-0051, Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations
Enjoy my taxes, Orleans (and Kanata?).
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