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Old Posted Jun 17, 2009, 1:54 AM
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fusili fusili is offline
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Originally Posted by Stang View Post
This sums it up. The political spectrum is just that: a spectrum. It seems that anyone who even approaches the centre (or dips a toe on the "left" side) is immediately labelled a socialist, bleeding heart, communist, etc.
I would respectfully disagree. I think the idea of a spectrum is antiquated. It is a simplification of a very complex set of ideas. While a simple left-right dichotomy is the worst possible interpretation of any value system (I guess a right-wrong dichotomy is worse), a spectrum isn't really much better. I believe issues are much too complex to be able to fit them on a spectrum. Grade 10 social studies this ain't.

My self personally, I would describe myself as someone who is a little bit of both. But not "in the middle." I am extremely leftist when it comes to some issues, or extremely right when it comes to others. On some social issues, I am pretty left, on others I am pretty right. On other issues I take positions that neither side really appears to have. In terms of economics, I both hate libertarians and adopt their position.

And this is why I hate politics and politicians (well, most of them). The idea that any decision can be boiled down to two camps is ridiculous.