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Cyro Mar 29, 2016 3:17 AM

Winnipeg | 300 Main St.- Phase II / 360 Main St. | ~142M | 465 Ft | 42F | U/C
40-storey apartment tower planned for Portage and Main
Official announcement expected as early as next month


Winnipeg-based Artis REIT is said to be in the late stages of planning a towering rental residence at the windy corner, right next door to the nearly four-decades-old 360 Main, which is the city’s third-tallest office building.

The $140-million project would not only include the construction of a 40-storey apartment tower, but the $35 million recladding of 360 Main, the 30-storey office tower formerly known as the Trizec Building, and owned by Artis, the real estate investment trust headed by CEO Armin Martens.

- Aprx: 380+ Residential Units
- New Build 300 Main St.(Phase II) | Re-Clad 360 Main St.
- Cost: Aprx: $140M / Reclad $23M
- 3 Floors Commercial space/4 storey podium - Office/Retail
- Start: February 2017 | Completion 2019

April 7.2016 First Render Release:
I've edited the photo and scaled it to a smaller size.
Feel free to use it in other discussions and posts.

Other Conceptual Renders From: Artis REIT

* Note: All images edited/hosted by me. Please add Artis link source
+ This note if using on site: Thx.
300 Main St.
Looking South on Main St.
Image Sources:

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Highrise & Supertall Proposals Thread

Cyro Mar 29, 2016 3:22 AM

I don't usually login to SSP after 6:00pm. but when I do It's to add a another game changer to Winnipeg's core and a significant addition to our skyline.

..Gordon Sinclair Jr....Don't let me down...;)

Wigglez Mar 29, 2016 3:26 AM

IF both this and SkyCity go up....... WOW..........

Bluenote Mar 29, 2016 3:47 AM

What I find interesting is the tower will have the same shape as what was supposed to have been built there. 30 plus years later lol.

This will really pump life into wpg square. And now it won't look like a skywalk to nowhere. It should also help promote filling the other few lots in the area. Towers all the way to the convention centre. Who would have thought.

Urban recluse Mar 29, 2016 4:26 AM

^^Based on what info? The original conception?

Tacheguy Mar 29, 2016 4:28 AM

Man I am pumped about this project. it could be the tipping point for our huge downtown and exchange areas. with the Forks being what it is and the extensive walkway system in place, I suspect a lot of winnipegers will, for the first time, start to consider downtown living.

BigG Mar 29, 2016 4:39 AM

This is very exciting news indeed. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it will happen. BTW, is 134 metres the projected height? That would make it second to SkyCity.

BAKGUY Mar 29, 2016 5:21 AM

RE: 40-storey apartment tower planned for Portage and Main

I am thrilled to learn about this development.
Finally 40 years later this 40 + floor residential tower will be completed if all goes well and The mate to 360 Main st gets built.
Better late than never I say. Blanche Deveraux used to say better late than pregnant. lol
This 40 + floor tower could definitely be the catalyst for more Portage & Main activity and downtown investment following suit.
I am thinking the shape of the tower may resemble 360 Main but likely a bit thinner so as to have a smaller floor plate and as many windows as possible?
I am wondering if it might be a mixed use building , like part Hotel as well as residential?
It is a guess but I would suspect a premier first class hotel might be willing to have 12 - 15 + floors of hotel?
Great prestige location, underground established mall and we are going to need more rooms in the next couple of years with increased conventions from the RBC expansion and other visitor attractions.

The recladding nextdoor @ 360 Main, will bring a new lease of life to the area and surroundings not to mention the skyline.
Hopefully we will see a hotel built @ 416 Main st. where the Westin project did not come to fruition last year.
It would be great to see all corners of P & M built up with no pavement / surface lots..
I have a really good feeling more great developments will be spurred due to this, True North and Skycity etc...

Only The Lonely.. Mar 29, 2016 6:36 AM

It's nice to the Winnipeg getting its big city swagger back.

There's at least two generations of users on here that never saw anything happen downtown for 20 odd years, now suddenly a small mini boom of towers going up.. Some of these buildings even pushing past the mythical 30 story boundary.

Interesting times, indeed.

trueviking Mar 29, 2016 7:01 AM

You are right OTL. Remember the old days when we would pour over the details of the smallest project.

Imagine if the true north square towers, Sky city, this building and the Forks Railside all get built.

Still need to fill that damn hole beside 201. I won't be happy until then.

esquire Mar 29, 2016 12:00 PM

Given that 360 Main has large floorplates and the south tower was supposed to be similar, I would imagine that the apartment building will be considerably skinnier in appearance? I hope that it at least looks substantial to match 360 Main as opposed to being a sliver of a building.

That gap at 201 Portage is really the last big gap at Portage and Main left, and who doesn't think it'll get developed now. Winnipeg Square seemed way more intractable and here it goes. I guess the hotel pad is still up for development, hopefully that won't take forever.

Speaking of Portage and Main, when is that Richardson announcement coming?

WJG Mar 29, 2016 12:05 PM

What was the original plan for those pads? I thought I remember reading there was supposed to be a hotel and a second tower.

Seems like a hotel on the third pad would be all but a certainty now, no?

Pinus Mar 29, 2016 12:20 PM

Wow, didn't see this coming at all.

Great news to end a great long weekend :cheers:

rkspec Mar 29, 2016 1:16 PM

the first thing i thought was its an april fools prank lol

but on a serious note i cant wait for it to rise!

optimusREIM Mar 29, 2016 1:20 PM

Any word on renders?

The Jabroni Mar 29, 2016 1:23 PM

I woke up to this news this morning with a smile on my face! Now I'm even more excited for our downtown, and it involves rental units!!!!

Of course, we have to wait until the official announcement, but the prospect of finally building Phase 2 of 360 Main is definitely really good.

I guess SkyCity Centre and True North Square finally got someone's head out of the sand to build something over that concrete pad.

The Jabroni Mar 29, 2016 1:24 PM


Originally Posted by optimusREIM (Post 7387052)
Any word on renders?

Not yet. Expect something when they release the news on it next month. :cool:

bomberjet Mar 29, 2016 1:31 PM

Wooooow is right!! Fantastic news and it's about damn time!

We've been gushing over TNS and SkyCity getting built along Graham. This will be another huge piece to that puzzle. Adding 40 storeys of people, living right at Portage and Main. Fantastic. I almost prefer this to an office tower. But of course all the business that goes with an office tower would be better.

This is the original plan. The second tower actually looks quite a big larger (floor plates) than the current tower. They could have a similar tower, and not a skinny version, by putting a large number of units on the same floor. SkyCity has 10 units per floor. Maybe this one has 16 or something. Now for a 40-storey tower with 16 units per floor is a lot of people.

I sure hope something goes in to fill the gap between towers above street level. That was supposed to be the original hotel? and Main - The Plan by Christian, on Flickr

esquire Mar 29, 2016 1:40 PM

^ As desirable as downtown residential is, the original office tower plan would have been much better for that site... even though the tower at 40 storeys will probably be around the same height as the ~30 storey office tower in the original plan, it'll probably have a much smaller footprint meaning much less density on the site. Office space is a bit of a sure thing while with rentals, who knows - look at Place Promenade, it was a pretty nice complex when it opened in the late 80s but it's a little down at the heels now. Few of the 70s and 80s vintage rental towers downtown maintained any kind of air of prestige that they had when they opened... not necessarily a huge deal in a standalone rental property but the stakes are a little higher at Portage and Main... I'd hate to ever see confederate flags or wolf blankets hanging in the windows there.

Anyway, this is not to rain on the parade... getting second prize is better than nothing at all. I guess the Winnipeg office market is such that Artis only wanted to develop office space there, it could have been another 40 years before it happened. Fingers crossed that the atrium hotel gets built some day... that will be the last remaining piece of the Winnipeg Square puzzle.

So I guess that leaves Portage Place as the only undeveloped pad sites left downtown? Or am I missing any?

Urban recluse Mar 29, 2016 2:20 PM


Originally Posted by esquire (Post 7387074)
I'd hate to ever see confederate flags or wolf blankets hanging in the windows there.

Hahahaha. What about tin foil on the Windows? I would have to think there would be higher standards, and such trailer trash decorating would be prohibited.

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