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Old Posted Mar 31, 2024, 11:45 AM
Truenorth00 Truenorth00 is online now
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Originally Posted by lrt's friend View Post
You don't think Ottawa politicians and voters are easy to fool?

Who flip/flopped on transit decisions that cost the city many millions? Who claimed that breaking a signed contract would cost nothing? Who chose untested transit vehicles? Who approved Trillium Line improvements that did not even come close to what was promised?

Who voted in politicians who said they could freeze taxes, or contain tax increases well below inflation without impacting services? Think about Larry O'Brien, and earlier, Mike Harris and now Mark Sutcliffe. The public routinely votes in politicians based on tax policy without considering what would be impacted as a result. Often, there is no discussion of the impacts of tax policy until after an election.
Right. So the voters of Ottawa are getting what they voted for. I fail to see the complaint here. Let's see how much voters learn.

Toronto is a good example. Voters put in Rob Ford on magical promises of building subways without tax increases. After the chaos be caused, they picked John Tory who brought in years of austerity and eventually fed up with that, they've now elected Olivia Chow, Toronto's first left leaning mayor in living memory for most.

Ottawa is still stuck electing politicians who deliver austerity so they are getting what they vote for.
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