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Old Posted Apr 29, 2024, 7:44 PM
ssiguy ssiguy is offline
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Originally Posted by MolsonExport View Post

What are you proposing? That either you vote for...Trudeau and his inflationary policies, or you vote for Mad Max? There are many other options out there. But carry on with moving the goalposts.
The problem is that there are no other options out there. Singh couldn't run a newsstand, the Greens are in more disarray than ever, and PPC is nutcase territory.

In regards to who we want to lead the country we only have 2 choices, both of which are bad but for different reasons..............Trudeau thinks money is just a useless piece of paper that you just have to print more of to solve your problems and PP, while at least having a decent grasp of basic economic, is a conspiracy nut.

It's not that people like PP because I don't think the vast majority of Canadians do and even a lot of Tory supporters particularly their new centrist support that have left the Liberals and the young people who have done it en masse. It's not of matter of whether PP will be a good PM but rather the overwhelming belief amongst Canadians that he couldn't possibly do any worse than the juvenile delinquent we have now.

Can you name ANYTHING in Canada where we are better off now than when we were when he took power?...............very few Canadians, including myself, can think of even one.
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