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Old Posted May 13, 2024, 6:48 PM
P'tit Renard P'tit Renard is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2018
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It's shocking that CRA headcount at 60K is now >3x as much as the Australian Tax office. What makes Canada's tax system so exceptional relative to the Aussies that allows Canada to justify such an overbloated taxation office? The CRA is one of many federal agencies ripe for PP to start slashing headcount, just to bring the bureaucracy back in line with our Anglosphere peers.

Even back in 2022 the numbers were already way out of whack:

"The more analogous institution to the CRA, Psiachos says, is Australia’s federal tax bureaucracy, the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Since 2013, the ATO has employed roughly 20,000 people, with 20,400 employees as of 2022. That means that Australia had one tax employee for every 1,300 people in 2022, roughly half the number of employees per capita as Canada.

Australia is a better comparison to Canada, Psiachos notes, because both countries have a national corporate, personal and sales tax, whereas the US does not have a national sales tax. Australia and Canada’s corporate tax regimes and enforcement are also similar, as both countries are homes to branch or subsidiary offices of multinational corporations."
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