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Old Posted Sep 13, 2013, 8:14 PM
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Originally Posted by esquire View Post

I am not a supporter of freeways by any stretch, but part of that is because there is so much that could be done to improve traffic in this city without resorting to costly freeway construction. For instance, with its traffic count, how can it be that Lagimodiere is still only 2 lanes each way, the same way that it was 40 years ago when there were hundreds of thousands fewer cars in this city? It should be 3 lanes each way, as should Bishop Grandin. It's things like that which would improve traffic flow.
Good points esquire. 3 laneing Lagimodiere would definitely help but would be costly.....but likely a lot less than building a new roadway. I realize that Winnipeg will never have a crosstown freeway and I am OK with that. I think that the expressway type roads we have right now need to be in the planning stages for massive upgrades for the near future. Hold off on building new and upgrade what we have.
"But a city can be smothered by too much reverence for its past. The skyline must keep acquiring new peaks, because the day we consider it complete and untouchable is the day the city begins to die." - Justin Davidson - May 2010 Issue of New York
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