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Old Posted Nov 17, 2014, 3:11 AM
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Originally Posted by giallo View Post
You would die a spaniel's death here in SH, rousseau. It's got to have the best selection of low, medium to high-end East Asian restaurants in the world. There is just so much variety.

One of these days, Shanghai will gets it due outside of China as a truly spectacular food city.
You know, I'm somewhat ashamed to say that I've never been to the mainland aside from Hong Kong (both pre and post-1997--and I still don't really see it as a standard part of the mainland).

Many friends and acquaintances have told me that their idea of culinary heaven is Sichuan, and I believe them. My impression of Shanghai from afar is that it's a major metropolis (well, d'uh) where all the regional cuisines are represented to great effect.

I must go sometime. Problem is, my Taiwanese wife is very anti-mainland, and wants to go to a thousand other places before ever setting foot in China. So a trip to Shanghai is not exactly in the offing in the near future, unfortunately. Even though even my wife will admit that Shanghai itself is sort of the London of China, its denizens displaying a refinement setting it above all other regions in the country (with the arrogance to go with it, of course).
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