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Old Posted Oct 12, 2018, 3:29 PM
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rrskylar rrskylar is offline
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Originally Posted by windypeg View Post
Mpls is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the US. Yes our road network is poorly planned and forces traffic downtown. So what I don't understand is, instead of using your time and energy to push for improvements to traffic arteries and create an inner ring road, you spend it all having hissy fits about bikes. We had a crappy road network long before there were any bike lanes, a handful of bike lanes here and there is not going to make any difference. The peanuts we spend on bikes every year would have virtually no impact if it were redirected into the road budget. It's practically a rounding error. If you want better roads, fine, then focus your energy on that instead of yelling at guys on bikes.
Disagree, society and tax dollars should be for the common good not spent frivolously on entitled groups. If you are outlying this amount of capital for only .01 % of the population that actively cycle and closing vehicle lanes is this really the best use of resources? Common sense would say no on many levels except in Skyscraper Page forums.
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