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Old Posted Jun 3, 2019, 9:53 AM
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huge missed opportunity if this land is used for industrial instead of residential infill.


Your voice is needed now more than ever!
The Employment and Commercial Lands Study was laid over until April 1st, 2019

The Employment land study recommends;

- “The Public Markets site should be considered for redevelopment as an industrial business park or similar non-impactive employment uses.” Page 283
- "The site is one of the larger intensification and redevelopment opportunities within the City of Winnipeg for industrial and employment uses, and this should be capitalized upon.” Page 286

How can my voice be heard?

Send an Email with your concerns and reasons for supporting residential infill

Subject: Attention Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development
CC: (Councillors on the Committee);;;
RE: Employment and Commercial Lands Study (page 282 E.10 Cluster I – Mission)

Do you have concerns that the city may lose this opportunity for the proposed residential infill plan on the Old Canada Packers site? Express those in your email as well. The proposed development is referred to as Public Markets MRS `D' proposed by Olexa Developments. Many of you may have already attended their open house last year.

Important to note ;

- August 1988, the Union Stockyards closed
- Swift meat plant demolition occurred in 1994
- Canada Packers plant demolition occurred in 2001
- Since the demolition in 2001 that site has remained vacant for 18 years.
- The site has been vacant for at least a total of 31 years.
- Developers also have a plan for required remediation.

Explain why you are in support of a development of residential mixed use over industrial. Would a move to more industry in St. Boniface potentially affect your decision to remain centrally located? Does the news in the last few years of non-compliant industries raise any additional concerns for you?

Information related to this topic available on the Winnipeg DMIS website

February 4, 2019 Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development Regular Meeting Minutes
9. Employment and Commercial Lands Study
- Attachment A - City of Winnipeg Employment and Commercial Lands Study (page 282 E.10 Cluster I – Mission)

January 7, 2019 Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development Regular Meeting Minutes (Adopted)
43. Local Area Planning Initiatives for 2018-2019 - Addition of Public Markets MRS `D'
- Submission - Susan Russell

Public Markets Major Redevelopment site (included as part of E.10 Cluster I – Mission)

Industrial land - tend to have the lowest property value and the potential to devalue nearby properties.

Residential land - tend to have the highest value and the potential to increase values of nearby properties.
Winnipeg Act II - April 2024

In The Future Every Building Will Be World-Famous For Fifteen Minutes.

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