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Old Posted Aug 29, 2019, 3:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Luisito View Post

The same one that harass people for change all day every day. You can pretend everything is peaches and cream in that area all you want. Thats why things never improve in Winnipeg, it is easier to look the other way.
I see so the smoker of portage place also harass people for change all day? And female students are particularly vulnerable to being asked for change? I can't imagine the horror the female students face considering the campus is a block away.

I've worked downtown for over a decade and commuted through downtown years prior to university. I have literally never felt unsafe by anyone who has asked me for change. I politely decline and they move on. The problem with downtown isn't the impoverished, it's people like you who assume anyone who is impoverished or asks for change is also a criminal looking to attack everyone and anyone.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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