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Old Posted Nov 14, 2019, 10:30 PM
buzzg buzzg is offline
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Glasshouse took quite some time but is mostly full now - although I do believe Urban Capital is using some unsold units as apartments. 300 Assiniboine is close to full as well. 390 Assiniboine has a ton of unsold units - this case is a little unique though as it’s owned by SCU as Sandhu went bankrupt on it, so because the owner is the bank, they aren’t really paying interest, so they’re not really offering discounts to rush it off the books.

TNS 2 (225 Carlton) is already almost 50% leased after just 3 months, so that’s pretty good.

All in all it really seems to be a bit of a crapshoot and really dependent on the developer here. Part of me wonders if some of the issues here have more to do with less experienced residential developers as opposed to the market. Like these buildings do work here, but the developers need to be more patient (aka have more liquid cash) with returns.
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