Thread: VIA Rail
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Old Posted Dec 7, 2019, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by milomilo View Post
I want to be clear, I'm not against rail, quite the opposite. But the funds absolutely must be prioritised to the routes with the highest benefits to cost, and that 100% will not be milk runs to Swift Current. I also think we should have more government interest in regional transport, but that will almost certainly be best served by buses in most situations in the Prairies. Yes, Greyhound pulled out but that shows what was obvious, relying on a monopoly private company to supply a public good is not a good idea.
Sounds like we mostly agree then. I'm not against rail either and I'd like to see it across the country but I just don't think providing coverage to places where it's likely to be less successful should come ahead of investments for places where it will be more highly utilized. It's basically just another example of the ridership vs coverage debate but for intercity rather than urban service.
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