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Old Posted Feb 5, 2008, 7:15 PM
anm anm is offline
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Yes R@ptor, they are building metro now at the rate of about 10-15 km of new lines per year and are promising to acclerate to about 30 km/per year in a few years

Transit insfrastructure is strained for several reasons that are being addressed after years of inactivity.

1. After Soviet Union collaps, during hyperinflation of late 80s early 90s - there was no way to finance big projects such as metro construction. Metro construction has been frozen and cost milliions of $$ to just keep the unfinished lines in frozen state.

This situation is reversed now; there are plans to double the length of Moscow metro lines from about 300 km now to 600-650 km by 2025.

2. Moscow has never had a business district, so offices are currently dispersed all over the center of the city (mostly within Garden Ring). Obviously, a lot of rush hour traffic is heading into the center of the city causing jams.

This situation is being addressed by construction of IBC and other business districts as the one shown above. These scraper clusters are located on or outside third transport ring (several km outside the Garden Ring). As the new office buildings are completed, businesses will be forced out of the historic center. The density of traffic in the city center should be reduced.

3. When few people had cars and most used public transit, the surface modes of transit such as busses and trolley busses performed much better than now. Today, you can sit in a trafiic jam on a trolley-bus just as frustrated as in cars sorrounding it.

This will addressed by construction of high-speed light rail which does not share the road with cars and is grade-separated at most critical intersections. Monorail line will be exteneded.

4. The road infrastructure is being improved as well.

So, it is not all pink and rosy, and there are big problems, but they are working on it.
Russia , St. Petersburg, Moscow , Moscow's skyline , Moscow IBC, Moscow projects & updates, Moscow metro, Moscow Parks and Estates

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